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Integrity, Dependability & Custom Craftsmanship
Since 1946
Open: Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm; Saturdays By Appointment Only
Appraisal Services
John J. Rosini has served as the former President and is an active member of the local Long Island Chapter of the American Society of Appraisers. Mr. Rosini is disciplined in appraising personal property and furniture with experience in appraisals of antique furniture, fine furniture and household goods throughout the Tri-State Area.
Replacement Value – Comparable
The price in terms of cash or other precisely revealed terms that would be required to replace a property with another of similar age, quality, origin, appearance, and condition within a reasonable length of time in an appropriate and relevant market. Intangible provenance value is additive as appropriate.
Replacement Value - Cost New
Cost to replace a property with an equivalent or sub-statute which is new, using modern materials, techniques and standards which satisfies the description or use of the replaced property. The present cost of replacing the property with one having the same quality and utility.
Reproduction Cost
Total cost to reproduce a replica of a subject property at current costs. Replacement property would be constructed in a design and with materials consistent with the described piece of property being replaced by a qualified artist or craftsman.
Fair Market Value
Fair Market Value is the price at which the Property would change hands between a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts.
Marketable Cash Value
Marketable Cash Value represents the anticipated net proceeds (or cash in hand) that would be yielded from the orderly sale of a property once all costs of sale were subtracted. It represents the amount not merely obtained (paid in full) including any buyer’s premiums, taxes, etc.) by buyer but retained (received seller) from sale.
Orderly Liquidation Value
The most probable price in terms of cash, or other precisely revealed terms, for which the property would change hands under required and limited conditions in an orderly manner, generally advertised, with reasonable time constraints, in an appropriate and relevant market-place, with knowledgeable buyers.
Forced Liquidation Value
The most probable price in terms of cash, or other precisely revealed terms, for which the property would change hands if sold immediately, without regard to relevant market place.
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